Monday, March 17, 2008

Snow Much To Do, Snow Little Time!

~Vail Pass and Walter's Cabin~

We have been posting so much info on our home I thought it might be a fun change of pace to update on our lives, more specifically mine. I am currently working two jobs, one for the City of Denver Parks and Recreation (Outdoor Recreation) and the other as a server at a restaurant. I am considered a recreation instructor with the city and get to take kids skiing, snowshoeing and lead rope courses. I just completed my first guiding hut trip up on Vail Pass with a great group of people, such a beautiful area! There is a great hut system in Colorado and it might just be my new obsession..... the concept it great, pull in a sled with your gourmet spread for the weekend and reside in a warm, dry, well furnished abode! I think this may kick off a new interest in skiing as well (crazier things have happened!). Well in the meantime I am fully enjoying 18 inches of snow that fell last night as well at a trailer load of our wedding gifts and a piano that just arrived from Fresno, California! Thanks Mom and Dad! Love you!

1 comment:

Junebug said...

We loved you first and for eternity!!!!!
Practice piano so you can tickle our ears in the spring.
We are very happy and proud of you and Nate, our
darling Mary Maureen the Beauty Queen.
Conquer the outdoors!
Love, Mommy and Daddy