Monday, April 30, 2007

Leaving AR

Left Arkansas, saw lots of dead Armadillos 34 and counting...
Oklahoma, flatter than Kansas... We found our camping spot a mere "2 miles" from the interstate at Foss state park, it turns out that 2miles in Oklahoman are nearly 8miles in Toyota Odometer. Our spot was great right on the lakeshore, red dirt everywhere, tons of wildlife, well at least signs of em, coon tracks, deer tracks, fish tracks, tick tracks(that story comming up), mosquito tracks and even some people tracks. Settled in for the night, watched a warm midwest sunset from the dock while eating dinner, back to the tent, layed down, Nate rubs his side and viola a TICK! Yep thus ensued a thorough inspection for other ticks, none were found. Off to sleep.

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