Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tubing, Or Not Tubing

I would like to share with the millions of people that read this blog a new found love, passion and joy of the Schramm family. Tubing down Clear Creek through Golden, Colorado home of Coors Brewing Company has become our new obsession. It is a man made whitewater park that we spend hours wacking our tailbones, surfing holes and laughing at other's misfortune. We love it more than any two people should love anything that is not another person. So come, tube, laugh, get thrashed, walk away with injuries that hurt so good they don't feel bad and live life the way it should be lived.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Birds and the Weeds



This post will be relatively boring and unamusing, for it illustrates a form of stability in the Schramm's life. We have a garden. We have responsibility outside of ourselves, we must care for and nourish these living organisms so that they may grow to their fullest potential and fill our bellies. Our responsibility is somewhat selfish, but we hope that this is a stepping stone to a dog or maybe a goat, which we won't eat...on purpose.

Update: The tomato is reddish, the cilantro perished...may it rest in peace and nourish those around it.

P.S. Nate wanted me to make everyone aware that he is growing pumpkins (far middle left in photo). Come Oct.31 you are all invited over to our pumpkin patch, there will be hot cider for all and maybe a hay ride, if you are lucky and pay $5.